Are you empathic or not?

This quiz will rate your level of empathy, and will give you a few charactheristics about your personality. Have fun with our quiz, and remember, this isn't accurate! It's for entratainment pruposes.

Don't get offended in case your score is low or inaccurate. Remember this isn't exactly accurate, and is just for entratainment pruposes. Now, have fun with our quiz!

Created by: Digital Lives
  1. When someone tells me a problem thet has affected them emotionlly, I...
  2. If somone is going through an embarrassing situation, what would you do?
  3. If you see a homeless person on the streets, you...
  4. If you see some kids harassing another one for no reason, you would...
  5. If somone who went through a traumatic event refuses to do something because they're scared or because it reminds them of their trauma, you would...
  6. If I see somone crying because their pet died, I would...
  7. If some kid in your class is different or a "weirdo" because of their clothing style, musical taste or behaving more coldly towards others, I...
  8. If somone (who you don't know) trips, falls down and scrape their knees, you would...
  9. If a pregnant lady loses her baby due to a natural abortion, I...
  10. If a man with a big family dies (because of a war, a car accident, or other motives), I would...

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Quiz topic: Am I empathic or not?
