Are you a green friend?-by M.Cheshnav

🌳🌴🌲This quiz lets you know how much you take care of your environment.The quiz contains 7 questions.You must answer honestly to get the most accurate result.Ok,All the best.

Please remember that these 7 questions are too very simple and you must answer every question very honestly.If you got below 50%, do not feel bad and try to change yourself into a eco-friendly person.

Created by: M.Cheshnav
  1. Do you switch off your computer after finishing your work?
  2. Do you carry a cloth bag instead of a plastic bag when I go shopping?
  3. Do you take a printout unless necessary?
  4. Do you try to conserve water whenever possible?
  5. Do you walk or use a bicycle to go to nearby places?
  6. Do you pick up the litter from the picnic spot before you leave?
  7. Do you avoid using non-biodegradable products?
  8. How many hours do you use smatphone in a day?
  9. Do you charge your devices 100%?
  10. Do you buy a new notebook after whole old notebook has been used up?

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Quiz topic: Am I a green friend?-by M.Cheshnav
