What mitological creature are you?

Welcome to our quiz! This test will try and tell you which mythological creature you are! There are *almost* all kinds of mitological creatures that you could get.

Remember the quiz is just for entratainment pruposes, and you might not get the results you were hoping for. In that case, we apologize. Regardless of that, we hope you enjoy our quiz! Enjoy!

Created by: Digital Lives
  1. What time of day do you prefer?
  2. Which biome do you prefer?
  3. What do you prefer, meat or vegetables?
  4. What is your favorite color?
  5. Which element do you prefer?
  6. Which of these professions do you prefer?
  7. Do you like sports?
  8. Which animal do you prefer?
  9. What season of the year do you prefer?
  10. Are you a more aggressive or calm person?

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Quiz topic: What mitological creature am I?
