Are you Dabis sibling?

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I was boring so i made this quiz and love u alllllll (no homo thouth) and you were awesome and sorrys if you dint like my quiz i was doing something like this first time

I hope you enjoed, and i hopeee you are doing great my friend. Do you like mha? Or bnha? Or both? Well i was doing this quiz for first time so j hope you undertood it

Created by: Izzy
  1. Who is his dad?
  2. Are u simp for dabi?(it wont effect rating)
  3. If dabi would ask you to join lov what would you say?
  4. Your fav colour
  5. What do you think you get?
  6. Do you like my quiz
  7. Do you like shusi
  8. Are you boy or girl
  9. Aa
  10. Do you like anime

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Quiz topic: Am I Dabis sibling?

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