Which Pevensie-sibling you are, except it's not obvious

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Have you ever wondered which Pevensie-sibling you are? Well, wonder no longer! Cause this is your chance to for once and all find out which one resembles you the most! Take the quiz, and find out...

You do not need to be a Narnia expert, in fact, you do not need to have even read or seen it! Just make sure you do it after you take this quiz, trust me, it's for your own good... Answer each question instinctively, don't overthink it!

Created by: Vica
  1. What is your favourite colour?
  2. Which superpower would you choose?
  3. What school club would you join?
  4. Do you fight with people?
  5. If you had to choose one place, where would you go?
  6. What do you do when you feel depressed?
  7. How do you react when stressed?
  8. How are your grades?
  9. Are you afraid of the future?
  10. Which of these jobs is the most appealing to you?
  11. From the list below, which one is your favourite book?
  12. What is your favourite movie genre?
  13. Family or friends?
  14. Favourite element?
  15. Favourite flower?
  16. Would you rather be chronically under-dressed or overdressed?
  17. Which from these is your favourite Disney movie?
  18. Tea or coffee?
  19. Chocolate cake or apple pie?
  20. All right, an obvious one: What is your weapon of choice?
  21. Who is your favourite historical character?
  22. What is your favourite season?
  23. Cats or dogs?
  24. Finally, who do you think you are the most similair to?

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