Are You Boyish or Girlish? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Are You Boyish or Girlish?
92% boyish. Yep, I'm definitely a tomboy. I'm the only girl I know who digs in their backyard just to get dirty AND laughs about a whale exploding on TV. ( I'm demented ik.) well, my aunt was watching this documentary on a whale that exploded in Japan, I think, and my cousins ( all boys) were squealing like little girls and crying, while I was laughing hysterically. ( there was a guy in his car sleeping, and when the whale exploded, guts splashes against his windshield and scared him to death xD)
So, yup, totally correct. Nice quiz :)
I got 62 sounds about right since I'm gender fluid
25% boyish woohoo I'm a boy but two spirited leaning more feminine. Some of the questions like favorite color, for underwear I prefer pink or purples and outer clothes dark grays or blacks i love being girly but if needed i can be a guy for short periods I just really don't like leaving my hands dirty ifyou know what i mean
33% boyish. Very accurate. I'm the kinda girl that would put on a dress and get all pretty and dressed up, and then 5 minutes later I would want to change and go play in the mud. My friends would say that I'm definetly closer to 50% but I don't care. I'll laugh at things that most girls/women would never laugh at. I am definitely a tomboy. Awesome Quiz! I loved it.
0% Boyish 100% GIRLY GIRL bull's eye right and I am over the top, though I am a male actually I confirm to be a WOMAN all the way, I love dressing up as a WOMAN and go out in the streets sometimes when possible. I am most happy being a WOMAN that's ME. Thank you for recognising the true ME.
I'm 62% boyish, I wouldn't say I'm a tomboy, just like In-between, no doubt, I love dark colors and baggy cloths, but once in a blue moon, I could just decide to wear a dress, I dunno why, I just comes and goes, and I'm okay with that, but it's still baggy all the way though, I totally love
Ebbie1 -
18 % Boyish. I guess I should've expected that. I wrote it wrong the last time. I was 23 % Boyish. I am basically a cisgender copy of my mother of my mother except for height, foot, and head size. I guess it is a blessing and a curse. Those features I took after my father. If I went to a hair salon and got a hair salon someday, I might surprise everyone. Everyone says I have the honeyed voice and attributes that are feminine. I'd probably just need a makeover and a wardrobe change to surprise everyone...might just do that very soon if my book sells.
23% Boyish, well I suppose maybe the inner me agrees. I am a bit on the feminine mannered side. I am a cisgender Mama's boy. I take after her in cheekbones, size, talents, delicate sized hands, hair, and charm. People also swear I have a honeyed feminine voice when I talk on the phone. If I grow my hair out, people call me ma'am because I resemble a small female in khakis. I accidentally put on a pair of my sister's khakis one time - didn't know they were hers. They were near mine. Mens clothes don't fit me correctly. I placed those size six pants on and they fit me like a glove perfectly. If I do get my book finished, I have nerve to go get a salon complete makeover. Then go shopping and do some crossdressing for experimenting. At least I'd probably fit in then, I've got the frame, delicate hands, voice, hair, and cheekbones of a, maybe. I already have the grace, mannerisms, and composure rehearsed. Was called a sissy by bullies since I was a child.
23% girly. I guess I should have expected that. Albeit, I am a cisgender Mama's boy copy. I have my mother's skills, cheekbones. delicate hands, petite frame and size and a feminine honeyed voice. Everyone swears I sound like a woman when I'm on the phone. When I grow my hair out, many people call me ma'am. Men's clothing doesn't fit me correctly...never has. I accidentally put on a pair of my sister's khakis that looked like my own - fit me like a glove. My sister told me and my whole family got a laugh. If my book gets published, bullies used to call me sissy as a child. I might go to a spa salon for a complete makeover. Then get my first reason for them to call me that. I will try my first crossdressing experience.
Hi there sweety
I'm 99% gir,ish as I'm a total sissy baby gurl in lots of sissy pink things and ruffles and rhumba panties all the time,,love being this way andc wish I'd been like this all my life,
Love being feminine and submissive and wearing anything pink,
Dresses,ruffled rhumba panties and heels and makeup and wigs and being out 9n public all dressed up,,so much fun
Huggs Allison
Im 87% Boyish. This is true I don't care if I get dirty (Like REALLY dirty), I get confused for a boy all the time (Like this one time a year ago some girls on the playground were flirting with me, but I didn't tell them I was a girl be cuz I was dieing from laughter on the inside.), I HATE pink or rainbows, and whenever me and my brother see a unicorn or something girly girl or babyish we both gag and choke.
I got 73% boyish! Which is really true. I prefer the more boyish color or style rather than pink and frills. I do sometimes wear makeup and things like spaghetti straps, but Im not that girly.
Really accurate!
You are 73% boyish! 73%
you're pretty boyish. perhaps you like black and blue rather than pink and purple, and rather something comfortable over fashionable. maybe you'll even go for a shooting game. your friends view you as very much a guy, so any girls who got this one are fairly boyish, to say the least.
You are 82% boyish!
you're pretty boyish. perhaps you like black and blue rather than pink and purple, and rather something comfortable over fashionable. maybe you'll even go for a shooting game. your friends view you as very much a guy, so any girls who got this one are fairly boyish, to say the least.
so me and imma girl
xevx1 -
Eh Im a stern person, but Im still a girl. It said 27% boyish and it doesnt really matter that much to me or my friends. Yes, I prefer golden yellow and black more than pink or purple. Over all. Nice quiz. Perfectly fine.
Tomboy here lmao, people say I act like a boy, wear like a boy. AND when I make friends the males always comes first, now I have 2 so far, I don't want to make too many male friends cuz they're so many in the gang so I have a few male friends lmao
Sempre passo por aqui pra me testar. eu me acho mais feminino do que masculino embora sou um homem....sinto muito atrado pelo lado feminino....amo todo vestimenta feminino, sem falar nas calcinhas e sutis.
Lucianno1 -
57%. Sounds about right, I like both feminine and masculine things but dont discriminate either. Both male and female friends, though mostly feminine. Spending my time with video games or something close to that instead of nail salons or shopping. I think this is very accurate
You are 69% boyish! 69%
you're pretty boyish. perhaps you like black and blue rather than pink and purple, and rather something comfortable over fashionable. maybe you'll even go for a shooting game. your friends view you as very much a guy, so any girls who got this one are fairly boyish, to say the least.
Eh... It was close but I'm gender-fluid so I'm kinda both
100% girly. Born a boy but I cant help wanting to dress and be a girl. I love being all feminine. Married 45 years with happily supportive wife.
80% Boyish - Accurate. I've always had more guy friends than gal friends. Always been a tomboy, and it would be more obvious if I lived in an area where it wasn't always so hot all the time. Good quiz. :>
Seventy eight percent boyish,yep I do act like a boy more so than a girl and like it that way I'd rather be fun and adventurous in the outdoor wilderness then care about my looks or drama. Cool quiz mate.
Zimswife0 -
0% boyish. I'm the real hello kitty girl.
Janalein2 -
Uhh, it said I'm 54% boyish, which is fine. But i don't play video games so farbut doesn't mean i wouldn't in the future. And btw, great quiz()
And I only do makeup for makeup art such as Edward Scissorhands or Thing. Great quiz.
25% boyish Yep, I'm one of those guys who loves wearing Nail Polish. I'm a huge fan of Nail Polish. If you see me with my Nails. I'm not going to hurt you. I would have a friendly conversation with you. I wear Nail Polish as it makes me, so happy, and it relaxes me. I would even wave at you.