Are You Bisexual? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Are You Bisexual?
Yes I am lesbian living in Sydney my name is Angela Kaperonis
78%,anybody want a date?
I was curious if I was a lesbian or bisexual, so I took this test as if I were a guy. And I got 29% bi. Thank u
I got 38%. It said I was bi. I don't know about that though
Eh. 25%. That seems right. Cool quiz. 8/10
18% lol, im bicurious. :P
... i already know im bi
Soy bi, me siento bi aun asi porque antes de ser chico trans, me enamore de mi mejor amiga y realmente todo se fue a la chingada. Despues me hice chico porque me sentia uno...pero tambien porque queria ser un chico para ella, no funciono, aun asi soy feliz y lo mejor de todo mis amigos me apoyan. Ahora soy un chico trans, me gustan ambos genéros sin importar nada :3
- is the safest place for bisexual and bi-curious people.
Oh my score was 72% i forgot to mention i want to come out but not sure how.
liz_101 -
I got an 82% this time I need help in worried I'm the only one please help me
Wow, i knew i was bi!
Roz161 -
Hm I got. 16% idk if I am or not lol, I mean I've had thought but I push them away.
So i was hoping to get a 100% but 70% it's fine i guess...
GOOD! I got 0%, I can't EVER imagine myself dating a girl. Who does that? Not me...
I got 100%.
Holy s--- right there.scenik1 -
70% i think im a lesbian
Went from 0% to 27% hmm. Still a good quiz :3
18%,really true.
Biance1 -
lol i'm zero percent bi
Slim_t1 -
Um... I took this one again and it went from 18% to 44%...
59 percent
rogue1 -
Well then...o3o I got 70%
Maskette1 -
Coolz quiz Roady, 48% idk how to respond to this either
I AM BI!!!