Are You Bisexual? | Comments

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  • Soy bi, me siento bi aun asi porque antes de ser chico trans, me enamore de mi mejor amiga y realmente todo se fue a la chingada. Despues me hice chico porque me sentia uno...pero tambien porque queria ser un chico para ella, no funciono, aun asi soy feliz y lo mejor de todo mis amigos me apoyan. Ahora soy un chico trans, me gustan ambos genĂ©ros sin importar nada :3

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  • I didn't know i was bi until i started crushing hard on my best friend and i didn't tell her or anyone my attraction to guys is the more stronger but every once in a while theres a girl who catches my attention and im just scared of what everyone will think because my parents reject the idea of being gay or bi so i feel like im a disappointment also being a 14 year old makes it even harder.

    • i was having just a similar thought process a couple months ago.

    • i got 68% bi but i figured i was bi because i liked my girl bestie

    • You're Bisexual by 51%.

      If you've gotten more than 50%, then you're bi, although it's not very strong in you. Or you preffer people of the opposite gender.

      I have a girlfriend as a girl. And I agree with you Liz_10. Im 13 and Ive come out to my friends and my sister and mom. And the internet.

  • I've always been an lgbtqia ally and while I've messed around with my female best friend, there wasn't an emotional connection in that way. I sat in the straight zone until my early 20s when I had the massive crush on a girl who frequently came into the store I worked at. She was beautiful in the masculine way. She wore more men's clothes and smelt so good. I would find myself flirting and giggling like a teenage girl in high school. I'd blush when I saw her before talking to her. I didn't know what to do with that information. So I declared being "bi" until I had 3 kids with men. Then others within the community would tell me I'm just faking my feelings for women. Then I started to find more and more bisexual people who have straight tendencies or like me lean to feminine or masculine attractions. I'd date men or masculine presenting women or trans men or Tran masc women. That is just my preference and it doesn't make me less bi but makes the dating field complicated.

  • Wow. I've been questioning my sexuality for a while now and I don't really know how to come out to my friends. I think I'm gonna wait a bit because I'm still pretty young and things can change. I have liked a number of girls but I go to an all girls school. I've also liked a lot of boys so... I believe I'm bisexual.

    bi babe
  • I was worried that I had feelings for a close best friend, despite all my life I felt an attraction towards guys. I am an overworrier and I literally took the quiz because I was wondering if it could actually true. I started thinking hard about both sides up to the part where my stomach hurts and I felt light headed and throwing up, because I worried myself sick not that I was possibly crushing on a girl but that it was my best friend. Although thanks to this quiz I just ended up getting bicurious this whole time. I don't have a too much of a problem with bisexuality, homosexuality, etc-- if you people have the same problem you should just embrace how you are if the quiz is that accurate as the one who posted it claims it to be... because honestly I feel kinda better knowing I'm bicurious rather than just question what the hell I am for the rest of my life. You are what you become and society will judge you no matter what, but if one's bi then they are bi-- you shouldn't bash it and classify it as 'gross'because chances are someone you know,or you yourself are bi... love is love no matter what.

    • I got 59% bisexual I can believe that I just find it very hard to stick to it when I see things on TV when it's about gay people it makes me think what sexual orientation am i and now i know thanks to this test happy days :-) thankyou.

  • Fifty nine percent bisexual,I am sorta into the same gender but also the opposite I never dated a girl before but always wanted to before and have had a few crushes on some. Cool quiz anyways mate.

  • I think I've always been attracted to both men and women. All the way back in school. But didn't really know what to do with the feelings and thoughts. They were just there. As I get older I'm recognizing more and more how much I am attracted to other women. But I still am attracted to men. It's very confusing. And I'm recently married, to a man, who I've been with for 8 years. But I'm seriously attracted to women all the time. I don't think being truly happy and content is meant for me.

  • I didn't really put much thought about my sexuality until i started crushing hard on my new best friend. The thoughts i had about her were more than just platonic and I've just come to realize that. I never stopped thinking about her and always wanted to talk to her. I wanted to do more than just talk though,i wanted to hold her hand and kiss her. Ever since then, I always wondered what it would feel like to hook up with a girl. It was different for me since my attraction to guys was always so prominent but I've always had dreams about hooking up with the same gender. My first ever kiss, that I've tried to erase from my memories, was with a girl when I was really really young. I never told anyone about this because I was just ashamed and too scared to share it with anyone. I feel like I've always been bisexual but never really had much representation and nobody talked about same sex relationships that I've just dismissed my same sex thoughts for just a hiccup.

  • I was scared to admit that I was bi, I have only told my closest friends. They told other people without my permission and I was so embarrassed I didn't even want to leave my house. I have had multiple girlfriends and boyfriends but I took this test to see whether I was dating for love or attention.... turns out it was love.

    • This is all true, I am replying to myself because I am weird.

      This is a shout out to all those weirdo like me out there. Specifically Ann, my guuurl.

      Love all U..

    • i got 68% bi but i figured i was bi because i liked my girl bestie lol love u too lmao

    • I told my crush too, CMorleyHoskins. Her sister found out and she shared with all the other homosexual girls. They confronted me and it was super awkward. Just hold on and know your awesome just the way you are!

  • I never had any thoughts on being bi , till i saw one person and thats Joey Graceffa, hes very popular and his videos helped me stay positive during a hard crush i had on a girl and i just think hes handsome and his personality is attractive but i wouldnt do anything sexually to another man i just think its a "man-crush" i think.

  • I am nearly twelve years old(and a girl). I know that it may sound too young to be worrying about stuff like this, but I really think I may be bisexual.

    Someti mes I just get these sexual urges and impulses involving other girls. Like once I was at a sleepover and one of the girls had fallen asleep and I suddenly wanted to kiss her - not just a light peck but a long, lingering kiss on the lips(horrified by my own thoughts,I did my best to ignore it)I think that females are quite attractive and a few times I've even had fantasies involving other girls.

    I am also neither girly nor tomboyish, but I guess I lean a little more to the tomboy side.

    I have also had crushes on males and found them hot or sexy, a matter of fact I feel the same way about males as I do about females.

    I started developing feelings for females about a year ago.

    The quiz told me I am 55% percent bisexual but I'm not so sure.

    So, am I gross, straight, or bisexual? Please help me! I am confused!

    • Your not gross. I started to feel that way at 12 too. That was a year ago. I know now that Im bisexual.

  • I do t k ow what to do because I think I'm bisexual and I've had a couple of crushes on girls and a few on boys too but my mum is a christian and I love her so much and ik she loves me to but she also rejects the idea of the whole LGBTQ shabang and idk how my dad will react but he's quite traditional and I just don't want them to stop lovi g me because that'll hurt more than keeping it a secret also I'm fourteen and I am positively sure I'm bi but I really just wish I wasnt-it would make life so much easier HELLLLPPPPPP

    • That is literally my LIFE. Christian parents who dont support LGBT+ but your fine! Be yourself and things will go the way they should! Love you all!

  • Honestly, I thought I was bi but Ive never really liked a girl but I have dated a few of them and Im a trans masc and I think I have a crush on a freshman Im only In ms sadly but this was very helpful to me and now Ik Im bicurious but I think I might just be gay but this was a huge help!!!

  • I got 83% I am 16 years old I started have these feelings toward other girls after watching videos of girls kissing and it really turned me on. Now i'm dating this girl that i'm sexually aroused my girls but romantically liking guys and girls.

  • We celebrate our bisexuality and the wonderful opportunities that come along with it. Who can join-[no urls]? Anyone who identifies as a Bisexual person (including bi-curious, femmes, butches, transgender, androgynous, single, married, polyamorous, etc.). We strive for inclusivity!

  • So, just in the past week I discovered that I may be a bisexual male, and I got a score of 59%. I find myself looking just a bit too long at other guys and imagining how large they might be under their pants. I can't imagine being intimate with another man, though.

  • Hi I'm a bisexual lady I have only started finding out my sexuality recently. I just love doing it with both genders I'm attracted to both. I live in sunny Sydney I would love meet a special person. Angela Kaperonis -Sydney

  • Hi I'm a bisexual lady I have only started finding out my sexuality recently. I just love doing it with both genders I'm attracted to both. I live in sunny Sydney I would love meet a special person. Angela Kaperonis -Sydney

  • I already know that I'm bi, but i'm really curious with all my girl friends cos' most of the time i touch their asses, some of them touch mine back, flirt each other, almost kiss each other. I wonder if they are bi or not but all of them have boyfriends! Help me!!

    Mocha whatsoever
  • My friends always told me that I was giving out bisexual vibes but I never believed them because of social standards and my parents dislike towards LGBTQ individuals but once in my senior years I realised I was secretly in love with my best friend but couldn't tell her towards the end of the year I kissed this junior student and I actually liked it and ever since then I can't help but look and girls the same and as for boys they are still excruciatingly sexy in my eyes

    And I got 81% which proves my belief that I am truly a bisexual woman

  • Also that site is blocked on my chromebook. If you could take a screenshot and post it, that'd be a major help! (Yes I'm fluent in many languages)

  • Why are you want to join the bisexual dating site, Because you want to end your single life, Come to the best and largest bisexual dating site! There have many surprise for you! [no urls] This is good for all singles!

  • I hope you guys are happy with your results too! Never be sad about a high percentage, just be yourself..

    If your friends leave you, they werent really your friends, your close friends and real ones will stay.

  • I had no doubt that I am bisexual until I saw a actress in her bra.When I watched her in bra,I was like woww.And then I am interested in ass what shape they are.Are they big or small or real or fake.And I also like seeing women how they dress,their facial features,their body and the way they talk.I also want to try to kiss a woman and touch their body.I am also interested in boys.What am I Please ???

    Koe Koe
  • I got 59. I'm a 35 year old female. This quiz was helpful. I label myself straight but consider myself bi curious because I have no actual experience with other women. I guess I am bisexual. Thanks.

  • Bisexual Dating ultimately want is what? I think that ultimately is the need bisexual! Because bisexual is bisexual dating members. The bisexual dating site has many active users! So I think it is a good dating site!

    Tina Ferry

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