Are you an a good artist?

Welcome to ( Are you an a good artist?) there will be 10 questions of how good you are,and test yourself out if your good or not,have fun at the quiz!

Enjoy and don't forget any questions! And have fun at trying to test yourself,but i remind you maybe its not real and beware,if you like the quiz follow me on Pinterest

Created by: Pikachu
  1. Have you took long to do a sketch?
  2. Where did you learn about drawings?
  3. Do you use paintinga and acrylic tools or you use pencils,markers,and papers?
  4. Have people saw your drawings and got surprised?
  5. Have you dreamt to be an artist?
  6. Whats your vibes in drawing?
  7. Would you rather colorful drawings or dark and aesthetic drawings?
  8. Last one, would you think that your drawings will impress everyone?
  9. Joking just continue Are you having a good time on drawing?
  10. Do you want the results now?

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Quiz topic: Am I an a good artist?
