What kind of artist are you?

Are you an artist? Are you sure? This quiz will tell! Don’t be sad and angry just because you got a low score. That doesn’t mean you aren’t a good artist! It’s the questions that choose the roles.

Be 100% honest during this test. As we don’t want your answers to be wrong. Please take this like a test at school. And if the get the lowest score the quiz has determined this. And that’s why you need to be 100% honest so your score is 100% correct. Enjoy!

Created by: Sillycartoonartist
  1. When was the first time you decided you wanted to draw.
  2. Do you like to draw horror? If so do you draw it realistically?
  3. Do you ever think that you might be an artist?
  4. (STORY) If one of your friends challenged you to a drawing match would you win it? Let alone accept it?
  5. If you searched up HARD DRAWINGS TO TRY AND DRAW and spotted a very hard drawing would you try to draw it?
  6. Are you a painter? (NO AFFECT)
  7. Do you like writing better than drawing? (NO EFFECT)
  8. Do you have a job as an illustrator?
  9. Are you called an artist by your friends or family?
  10. Did you like this quiz? (NO EFFECT)
  11. Are you sure? (NO EFFECT)

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Quiz topic: What kind of artist am I?
