Are you a future artist?

Do you like art? Do you like painting, doodling, and drawing? Do you hate awkward social interactions? Wait that doesn't belong here... Well if the answer to those questions is yes, then this quiz is for you!

Learn if you are a true artist in this quiz and, y'know, answer all of the questions! Learn stuff about yourself you didn't even know! Well possibly that'll happen... Well get going!!!

Created by: Marjorie Thingy
  1. Which one?
  2. Paper or easels?
  3. In class, you are...
  4. Which one do you like drawing?
  5. You meet a famous artist.
  6. Which one?
  7. I like...
  8. My dream pet...
  9. You like art
  10. Will you give this a good rating?

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Quiz topic: Am I a future artist?
