What Would You Look Like As A Cat?

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Love cats? Ever envied their ultimate perfection? This quiz puts you in a cat's paw prints in order to discover what you'd look like as a cat mwahahahahahaha

Plus, at the end there's an awkward and... let's just say... unique drawing of you as a cat created by me aka the best artist in all of the world especially w/ cats.

Created by: tapirpower
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. It's Summertime! Your owners let you go and play out in the sun for a bit. What do you do?
  2. Do you sleep with your owners?
  3. A mysterious child approaches you and proceeds to pet you in an uncomfortable way. You...
  4. Say you get abandoned and are a street kitty...
  5. Find x : x
  6. Sleep all day?
  7. Meow
  8. You're a happy cat?
  9. Would you rather end up a Derp Cat or a Lolcat?
  10. Bye

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