Are you agender?

Are you questioning whether you're agender? This simple quiz to assist with self-reflection will hopefully help you along the path so self discovery and acceptance.

Note that there are some terms you may not know. These are allogender, which means that you have a gender which you feel moderately to strongly connected to; agender, which means genderless or having a faint connection to gender; and gender identity, which is the gender you identify as.

Created by: Wolf Queen
  1. First, how connected do you feel to the idea of gender?
  2. How does it feel to be seen as a gender?
  3. Let's just say your in a setting where you are supposed to say your gender identity. I can't think of anywhere where this is actually something you'd have to do, but in this scenario, we'll say you have no choice but to say your gender. How do you feel about giving yourself a gender identity? On a scale of one (strongly opposed) to five (strongly supportive or okay with it)
  4. You have a partner or friend who thinks you're a binary gender for whatever reason. How do you feel?
  5. Does gender feel like a natural thing for you?
  6. Do you understand gender? If so, how much do you feel it on a scale of very strong, strong, medium, weak, and very weak? If not, just say that! It's okay!
  7. Agender: Without gender or with a faint sense of connection to gender. Does this sound like you?
  8. Agender is a spectrum like asexual and aromantic are spectrums. Some genders that are in this spectrum are gendervoid (with no understanding or connection to gender or genderlessness), libragender (mostly agender but with another gender as about 1 - 40% of it), and demigender/demiagender (50+% agender and the rest another gender or other genders). Do any of those sound like you?
  9. Do you have a gender?
  10. Bye! This is the last question, so just describe your gender with one of these words.

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Quiz topic: Am I agender?
