Are You Adopted?

Do you think you are adopted? Your true family and/or parents are out there or just pretending that they don’t exist because they don’t want children? Or maybe just dead? Take my quiz and you will find out (possibly) if you are adopted.

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Created by: Claire
  1. First of all, have you seen pictures of yourself, like, say…oh I don’t know, two hours after you were born?
  2. What is your earliest memory?
  3. Do your relatives act strange around you? Like, saying stuff like, “Is this the one?” or something like that?
  4. Has your family fostered or even adopted other kids?
  5. Blippity blorp?
  6. Favorite color? (You knew it was coming!)
  7. Does your family seem different from you? (Like super different!)
  8. Do they have the same skin tone as you?
  9. Is your hair color super different from theirs?
  10. Have you ever looked in a photo album before?

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Quiz topic: Am I Adopted?
