Are You Adopted?

Has it ever occurred to you that maybe your adopted? If you have then today is the day you find out. If you've never thought about this then... idk. You're finding out anyway!

You have to have a certain number of words for these pharagraphs so im just gonna put random stuff here: i likecheeseheheheheidkabtubutiLOVEcheese. rgvcsdfghnbgf

Created by: Yippy
  1. Have you seen any baby pictures of yourself?
  2. Do you look like your siblings?
  3. Do you like this quiz so far?
  4. Random question: Do you like cheese?
  5. Do you look like your parents?
  6. Is this quiz good or bad?
  7. Do you think your adopted?
  8. Have you ever seen your birth certificate?
  9. Do you think one of your siblings are adopted?
  10. Do you know if one (or both) of your parents were adopted?
  11. Have your parents ever talked about adopting someone?

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Quiz topic: Am I Adopted?
