Are you addicted to video games? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz Are you addicted to video games?
You are 42% percent addicted!
You are not a gamer, but you enjoy video games. You probably don't own a system, and only get to play when at your friends house. If not, and their is one in your house, It is probably a brother or sisters.
You think I don't own a system? Watch me! OK, where do I start? Oh yes, PlayStation 1, PlayStation 2,PSP , GameCube, Wii, DS Lite, GameBoy Micro, Did I forget any?
You are 75% percent addicted!
You are almost addicted, and probably are pretty good at games. Just a little more game time, and keep the instruction manual to reread the story-line, and you will be there!
Of course, I am addicted. I also spend alot of time watching anime..
RinRin1 -
YOU ARE COMPLETELY ADDICTED TO VIDEO GAMES! YOU ARE ONE OF US! YOU HAVE A REAL FUTURE FOR A GAMER, AND PROBABLY DOMINATE HALO! If you scored this much, what are you doing here, not holding a controller?!?
he he 86% yeps... now i am gonna play Gta4
You are 62% percent addicted!
You are officially a 'gamer'! If you scored this much, you must own at least one system, and play it quite a bit!
haha, videogames are AWESOME! =]
I got a 72, but I would have gotten more if you hadn't nearly completely alienated the PC gaming community.
Shrek1 -
BUT. Apparently i cant play games because i have a pc, no console whatsoever so i had to put no console on that q, and
I got 59% and the description got me good. I rated 10/10
i am 23% addicted because i can never play and it's not fair
beepbeep1 -
Yeah I used to spend 10+ hours a day on my Xbox but now I surf the web a lot.
78% :D
- 1