StephenRockers16's Profile

Joined on Aug 26, 2014
Status Level: Novice

Level-up Progress:
10-Year Club
100 Quiz
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StephenRockers16's Quizzes

StephenRockers16's Recent Posts

  • Ninja Academy
    ""What, I'm just trying play" Hitina Said"
  • Sad short stories
    "As a small girl walked up the ally, some teenagers jumped out. Her crush is down the street and sees her. He just stares at her in disappoin..."
  • "Girl: I'm sorry, but I slept with your friend. Boy: heh, heh, please tell me your kidding? Girl: nope..."
  • Anime
    "No it doesn't, Anime comes from Japanese mangas, which go into the historic library. Don't talk cr..."
  • Anime
  • Anime
    "Manga and Anime are gods(God and goddess) combined, they are best."
  • "Phantom Horuglass"
  • COD MW3!!!
    "Call of Duty is epic. AmyWhite and Timothy44 are just hating because they haven't tried it yet. I MW3"
  • today's my Bithday!! :3
    "Happy birthday I turned 13 last Setember. Hey, ChillXx, what's this story about the two girls and some church, maybe I would like to read it..."
  • "What's with all this Novice and senior stuff. If it ranks how many quizzes we have taken then I will be at the top but I didn't get an accou..."
  • "Ellis reading, NO XBOX DOES NOT 95% of them are shooters like Halo to Call of Duty, and 99% are first person. PS3 mashes shooters, RPGs, Ind..."
  • "PS3 B#TCHES I have a mic so you can chat me up. My gamer tag is StephenRockers16 I will own you in GTA4&5..."

StephenRockers16's Recent Quiz Comments
