Are you a wolf therian?

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Warning ⚠ not 100% accurate you will get results that are most likely true i am a wolf therian so im making a quest to figure out if others are the same byeeee enjoy 😊

If your a wolf therian (figure out at the end) and want to have a shift look it up. Trust me, it works. Ty for taking my quiz and enjoyyyyyyyyyyy 🐺🐺🐺🐺🐺🐺🐺

Created by: A wolf therian
  1. Do you feel connected to any of these places?
  2. Have you ever had a shift and what did you feel?
  3. What is your✨ fav✨ animal?
  4. Pick your fate
  5. Do you get territorial?
  6. What food sounds best
  7. Do you remember anything in your past life?
  8. Do you do quads (walking on all 4s) for no reason
  9. Do you think your Wolf therian?
  10. How do you enjoy this quiz? (Counts)

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Quiz topic: Am I a wolf therian?
