Am I a therian?

Hi! this is my first quiz, and i wanted to help people find out what they feel inside, so i made this quiz because finding out that im a therian is the best thing thats ever happened to me. i feel more connected to my friends and at peace with my mind and i hope you will too, enjoy!

i don't exactly know my theriotypes yet and im not very good at quadrobics and vocals but that stuff can be diffrent for everyone finding theriotypes can take minutes, or it could take months so don't stress about it, okay? even if you don't get what you want on this quiz you're still special. this quiz is 100% accurate and made by a therian

Created by: Lucy
  1. do you experience any odd behavior that you think might be an indicator of theriantrophy?
  2. do you know what theriantrophy is?
  3. why are you here?
  4. what landscape speaks to you the most?
  5. if you are a therian what do you think your theriotypes would be?
  6. do you think you might not be a therian? maybe something else?
  7. why do you want to be a therian?
  8. do you think that you need gear to be a therian?
  9. do you think theriantrophy is about connection?
  10. how would you rate this quiz on a scale of 1-10? (this will not effect your score whatsoever)

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