Are you a wizard

There are many people who think they are wizards but are the really? If are secretly a wizard then dont worry because wizards are normaly noble people that will grow up to be rich an/or famous.

Are you a really wizard? do you have what it takes to finish this test? If you do then in a few minutes you might find out you are a wizard!!!

Created by: Danny

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Are you very suspicious of things
  2. Are you lucky
  3. Do you like having power over people.
  4. Do you wish to rule the world
  5. Do you like this test
  6. Would you rather travle through space, fly or becom good at spells
  7. What is your pet of choice
  8. Where would you live.
  9. Witch element do you like the most
  10. How many leters does your name have

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Quiz topic: Am I a wizard