What Famous Wizard Are You?

There are many good wizards in the world. To be like one would be awesome! Wouldn't it be? The answer come-outs are Harry Potter and the famous Merlin.

If you take this quiz you might be crowned either like Harry Potter or like Merlin from ancient times. They are both very very powerful wizards they are also very famous.

Created by: Connor

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  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. If you saw someone poor what would you do?
  2. Trees or river?
  3. You see two jars which do you choose?
  4. You see a giant green monster what do you do?
  5. You see a jerk cyber bullying people what do you do
  6. You best friend is dying with a very contagious disease do you:
  7. If you had 1 power which would you choose?
  8. If you had 1 pet what would it be?
  9. Where would you rather go to?
  10. Which colors?

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Quiz topic: What Famous Wizard am I?