Are you a true therian?

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Jdmxbdjskksndbcrm cdm dchbdch vfkmfcknxdgvd g d,yhdhendjcncdknchdbc.hucehucdhjdmjcdnhdghfcnkcmkcencehbcgdbjdndndnbdjdjdb him nsbjs jdkkxndbdjdkmsbxhcilcndbehodksmsnhdjdbdjjdndbhdkdndhdjndhdjdndbdjdjndn

Created by: Tyra
  1. Which Animal do you feel connected to?
  2. Do you feel connected to forest, sky, ocean or jungle?
  3. Have you had a shift of a kind?
  4. Do you know anyone that is a therian?
  5. What do you think you get?
  6. Why are you taking this quiz?
  7. Idk what to write 😭
  8. You should be grateful I actually made this quiz
  9. Hey
  10. Bye

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Quiz topic: Am I a true therian?

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