are you a therian?

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Hey im the game master now i am going to explain how this works. You have to type your real answers and then you get the answer at the end and its not 100% right.

It is a quiz to know if you are a therian or not. and remember it does not matter if anyone says you are stupid for being a therian and there is many other therians in the world so you are not the only one :3

Created by: Roxy
  1. do you feel like an animal or that you are in the wrong body?
  2. were do you mostly like to be!
  3. what time do you like
  4. what food do you like?
  5. what is your fav colour?
  6. what is your fav animal
  7. have you ever had a shift
  8. when you see a therian do you feel a conechen like you belong
  9. What is your emotion.
  10. your style

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Quiz topic: Am I a therian?
