Are You A Therian??

Hello! welcome to my quiz! this quiz may help you find out if you are a therian! this can also help if you are researching the topic if you are interested, and just want to quiz yourself on what you already know! a good youtube/tiktok page to educate yourself is called @therianterritory, she has a lot of good tips!

There is only 1 rule, DO NOT: ask your friend or anyone to help you, this is what you know by your own brain. NO looking it up. if you look ANYTHING up within this quiz, you will get an automatic 0, no matter what your score says at the end of the quiz, enjoy!!!

Created by: Bentley/Hope
  1. Let's start easy, remember, no looking it up! This whole quiz is about what you know and feel. What is the definition of therians / therianthropy??
  2. What is a therianthope's type called?
  3. Can you choose your type?
  4. which shift isnt real?
  5. is being a therian a choice?
  6. What is another valid identity that is partially related to therianthropy?
  7. is there a limit on how many types you can have?
  8. are all therians z00ph1l3s?
  9. what is the definition of a phantom shift?
  10. what is your theriotype? if you have more than 1, just pick the one that is more 'active' or triggers the most shift, or just pick one of them of your choice (this will not effect your results!)
  11. Can you pick your name? (your type's name)
  12. do you have to have gear and do quadrobics to be a therian?
  13. did you like this quiz? (will not effect your answers!)

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Quiz topic: Am I A Therian??
