Are you a TRUE kotlc fan? Superhard quiz

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Ugh i hate these okay here we go what do I put here these things are so annoying this is a really hard quiz good luck and have fun do u like bananas? I do

Ugghhh sophieddexmarellabianakeefefitztamlinhmarucawyliestina sophie dex marella biana keefe fitz tam linh maruca wylie stina KOTLC ROXXXXX OH YEAH DUDE

Created by: Foxfire
  1. Which Prattles pin does sophie NOT have?
  2. Which councillor has the best telekinesis?
  3. Who is the second-longest serving councillor?
  4. What color represents vanishers?
  5. Which councillor is a flasher?
  6. Which of the following did sophie NOT drink in Neverseen?
  7. Which color was iggy NOT dyed?
  8. what color eyes does amy have
  9. What does the Teleporter pin look like?
  10. Which of these is not a vacker?
  11. Who was sophie supposed to be playing with when she saw the boy who disappeared?
  12. What features did SOphie see on blur?

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Quiz topic: Am I a TRUE kotlc fan? Superhard quiz
