how much do you know kotlc and pjo.

this quiz quizes you on your knowledge abt pjo and kotlc, you might need to watch the series and the movies to know the answers for pjo and NO LOOKING IT UP.

for kotlc you have to try to reread the kotlc alot of times or just finished the series. MAKE SURE YOUVE READ STELLARLUNE BEFORE DOING THIS IT HAS MAJOR SPOILERSSS.

Created by: mirabelle
  1. what colour was iggy in everblaze
  2. how old is sophie in stellarlune
  3. what theories did sophie have of her father in the first book
  4. what name did the pegasus had which percy saved from luke
  5. what did annabeth do with medusa in the movies
  6. what does annabeth say when she thought percy was dead
  7. what did keefe say after sophie confessed her feelings for him
  8. did alden ship sophitz or sokeefe?
  9. what did sophie name her dagger
  10. whats the name of grovers wood nymph girlfriend
  11. who did percy kiss that is NOT his gf
  12. what was one of the that showed he had water powers at camp half blood
  13. what human book did sophie refer to at wanderling woods
  14. how many times did sophie attend a tribunal or at least be near one
  15. FINAL QUESTION POOKIES: what was keefes first words in kotlc

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Quiz topic: How much do I know kotlc and pjo.
