Are you a true fan of The Aubreys??

So this quiz is basically a random quiz with random questions about the Aubreys. I really like them and so I made this because of that. I hope it isn't to boring tho.

(Question hint I guess) The Aubreys were formed in 2019 and the singer and drummer are originally from a band called Calpurnia (I really like calpurnia, my fav song is cell)

Created by: Jay
  1. What is their first song?
  2. Do they have any albums?
  3. What is their most recent song?
  4. What year was the Aubreys formed?
  5. Random: What is my favorite Aubreys single (3 answers, doesn't effect your score)
  6. How long have you been listening to the Aubreys?
  7. What band are the singer and drummer originally from?
  8. Who is the singer?
  9. (BONUS) What popular movies has Finn Wolfhard acted in (4 answers)
  10. How was the quiz (doesn't effect score)

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Quiz topic: Am I a true fan of The Aubreys??
