The completely random quiz!

This is a quiz with a bunch of random questions. It's my first quiz type "The test." So, let's see if you know answers to random questions? Has your brain stored them up? Have fun!

Okay, question: Is the candy Dots owned by the tootsie company? Answer: Yes! I hope you knew that! I told you this quiz would be random- and you haven't even started the real quiz yet!Enjoyy!

Created by: Heygoogleitsme
  1. Do polar bears eat penguins?
  2. If there are four apples, and you take three, how many apples do you have? Btw random fact: my name starts with L.
  3. Where is the band "Blink 182" From?
  4. What is the most common last name?
  5. More tricky: What is the most favorite/popular color?
  6. What is the name of this quiz? (EAZY!)
  7. When is Dia De Los Muertos?
  8. You know this if you're a dog lover: Is there a dog breed named a Puggle, and a dog breed named the Binspanwa?
  9. What 2 candies are the brother and sister in the book Superfudge called?
  10. This one is hard unless you speak spanish well: How do you say, "I want an extra slice of pizza" in spanish?
  11. Which of these four animals makes the strongest bond with their owner?
  12. Does my name start with S?
  13. What is the strongest metal? One is made up, one is just wrong, and obviously, one is right.
  14. If you go to a mental hospital, does that mean you're crazy?
  15. Last question: do you want to see a creepy picture?

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