Are you a therian

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Are you a therian let’s find out. Do this quiz to find out if you are a therian just like me #^_^# bye. Ok I have nothing else to say yteecgjkkkugeethjk

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Created by: Kyky
  1. Hi
  2. Do you think you are a therian
  3. Do you have shifts (when you start to behave like an animal
  4. Where do you feel most comfortable
  5. Do you do quadrobics (walk/jump on all fours
  6. Do you feel connected to a type of animal
  7. How many pets have you had in your life
  8. Have you ever felt like an animal
  9. Do you want to be a animal
  10. Do you like nature
  11. Byeeeeeee

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Quiz topic: Am I a therian
