Are you a therian ?

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this is a quiz for people hwo want to know if their therians its not 100% accurate just so you know not just to trust this quiz rigth to your heart be awarn

i dont want haters to comment things like "Furry" or "soulless" or normal people to comment that either just every body just dont comment things like that

Created by: Berry_wolfie
  1. what wud you prefure to eat ?
  2. have you ever had a shift ?
  3. do you think you are a therian?
  4. do you feel a conectien with a animal(s) ?
  5. when you see a therian do you feel like a connection like you belong
  6. Where do you feel mostley home
  7. do you feel like a animal in a wrong body?
  8. what time do you mostley like
  9. whats your favorite colour
  10. do you feel happy after calling yourself a therian like its true

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Quiz topic: Am I a therian ?
