Will we get along?

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Hello! I am Savannah, call me Sav, and I am a Therian and a Furry! Today we'll be learning if we will get along with each other and answer these questions I have given us!

TW: This will include culture, furries, therians, otherkins, and ore topics. Pls be careful when answering the questions. If you're here to bully anyone in the chats pls get off the quiz, we don NOT tolerate theat, other than that, let's begin.

Created by: SAVANNAH
  1. Firstly, what animals do you like?
  2. What are you? (If you're questioning pls pick the last one!)
  3. How many pets do you have?
  4. What are you out of these?
  5. If you dislike or don't support furries/therians/ect, pls get off the quiz, we will not tolerate that here! -Creator <3
  6. What would you do if you see a stray cat?
  7. What is your favorite season?
  8. Therian related question, if you're not a therian go to the bottom of the answers. [] What you do if we met?
  9. Therians and Furries should not be bullied, they are creative and fun to be around.
  10. How would you rate this quiz? (No effect, ofc)

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