Are you a simp like Vik Vaughn?

Okay I’m not begging for anything but I would like to say something, I read through a lot of comments so I’m just tired of you guys. . . No body and I mean NOBODY can have an opinion anymore, someone will say something like “I like skibidi toilet!” And they will get hated on like, why do YOU care about what OTHER people think?! And also everyone is saying “Chubby fingers” “Casehos fingers are smaller” . . .Some people are just born like that and why the actual f--- are you body shaming people?! Some people don’t care if they get called names, but some people can’t get over it, just like some people can’t get over heartbreak. And one last thing, some people are saying, “goofy ahh keyboard” “hate the sound” . . . If you don’t like it keep scrolling! Watch something else! Or, JUST KEEP YOUR OPINION. TO. YOUR. MF. SELF!IM TIRED OF IT!! And if you said any of these things, I might’ve responded! And don’t be surprised if it was rude. And I don’t want to get in an argument but, wow I might just have to! And if you say, “kid” “you’re a kid” “STFU KID” “okay KID!” Just know, I don’t give a d@nm about what you think. AND PLEASE, learn to let someone have an opinion!Thanks for your time! Byeee

Crazy? I was Crazy Once. They Locked Me in A room A rubber Room . A rubber room with rats. The rats they made me crazy. Crazy? I was Crazy Once. They Locked Me in A room A rubber Room . A rubber room with rats. The rats they made me crazy.

Created by: Eminem But Isreali
  1. How old are you
  2. What's your gender
  3. Do You Like Mika Relationship Wise
  4. Do you like men
  5. Do you like thigh highs?
  6. Do you consider yourself to be a femboy
  7. Do you want to get your ears pierced?
  8. Are you Hispanic
  9. Do you live In Florida?
  10. Do you hate being called Viky?
  11. Are you annoying?
  12. How High Will your score be?

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Quiz topic: Am I a simp like Vik Vaughn?
