Are You A Real Emo?

Emo: style of rock music resembling punk but having more complex arrangements and lyrics that deal with more emotional subjects. Remember not all emo people cut or are depressed.

Are YOU emo? Do you have what it takes to qualify for that prestigious title? Until now you could only wonder. But thanks to this great quiz, in just a few minutes you will find out

Created by: emo kid
  1. Do you watch Onision?
  2. Do you know who Asking Alexandria, Mcr, BMTH, BVB etc?
  3. Do you enjoy screamo?
  4. Do you dye your hair?
  5. Do you listen to rock and heavy metal?
  6. Do you LOVE black?
  7. Do you wear skinny jeans?
  8. Do you know people that are emo?
  9. Did my chemical romance break up because of haters?
  10. Do people consider you emo?

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Quiz topic: Am I A Real Emo?