Which Rock Culture Are You?

The world of rock music has many faces. It has grown very diverse since its inception in the late 1950's. Here I wish to lay out all ten major subcultures within the broad range of rock music.

Are you a greaser, mod, hippie, hardcore punk, grungie, goth, emo, mainstream metalhead, old school metalhead or an extreme metalhead? Find out by taking this quiz.

Created by: E
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Which decade was best for music?
  2. Which of these would you like?
  3. 2nd time?
  4. 3rd time?
  5. (2 more after this.) 4th time?
  6. 5th time?
  7. And finally, 6th time?
  8. What's your fashion sense?
  9. 2nd time?
  10. What would you sing about?
  11. Last one, what's your catchphrase?

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Quiz topic: Which Rock Culture am I?