Are you a potato quiz?

This is an are you a potato quiz? In this quiz you will find out if you are a potato or not. If you get something random then yes. So ya that is it. Hope you enjoy it!

Random things are in this quiz so be aware. Also if you eat potatoes you probably are not a potato. The random options you can get are funny though. Yay!

Created by: Logo
  1. Do you like dirt?
  2. Are potatoes tasty?
  3. Do you like science fiction stories?(no effect)
  4. What is the best fast food place?
  5. Potato
  6. Best song?
  7. Are or have your ever been to Idaho.
  8. Last question…
  9. I’m a potato
  10. True last question. Do yo7 like the Simpson’s

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Quiz topic: Am I a potato quiz?
