Are you a potato?

Have you ever wondered if you could be a potato? Are you interested in knowing whether or not you're a potato? You have come to the right place. Whether you're just taking this quiz for fun or this is something you actually need to figure out, this quiz will not be a waste of your time.

If you're looking for a potato recipe, you should not be on this page. This quiz contains no potato recipes. The only thing it tells you is whether or not you're a potato.

Created by: FluffyKitten9
  1. What is your favorite vegetable?
  2. On a rainy day, what are you most likely to do?
  3. Do you think you are smart?
  4. If you had to get rid of one of these things, what would you get rid of?
  5. Which animal do you feel most connected to?
  6. When are you going to sleep tonight?
  7. What will you have for breakfast tomorrow morning?
  8. What is your favorite fruit?
  9. What is your favorite bread?
  10. What is your favorite fruit that most people call a vegetable?

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Quiz topic: Am I a potato?
