What Potato Chip Flavor Are You?

Well, I hope you like this quiz, "What potato chip flavor are you?" I put a lot of time and effort into it. I hope you have fun with this quiz!!!

By the way.. Iho! Umm yeah. Anyway, I hope you have some fun with this quiz!!!

Created by: laur8lemon
  1. Which is most like you?
  2. What is the square root of 93?
  3. Which of these makes you the most mad?
  4. If you had to choose, what pet would you get?
  5. What did the cat say to the dog?
  6. What is your choice of topic when talking with your friends?
  7. What are your thoughts on Harry potter?
  8. You are at the park when a kid falls down and starts crying. What do you do?
  9. Dark or light?
  10. Which potato chip flavor do you think you'll be?
  11. The end!

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Quiz topic: What Potato Chip Flavor am I?
