Are you A pokemon Nerd?

Hello world. I, as many others, am a pokemon fan. If you were wondering if you were a pokemon fan as well, this quiz is dedicated to you! ireally hope you enjoy this.

This is my first quiz, so go easy on me. Please, my nerves are frayed. This quiz isnt exactly hard, but if you dont really know what pokemon is, you mmight find it a bit hard. I hope you do well.

Created by: Dekuisthebest
  1. What type is strong against fairy [also hi]
  2. What is Ashes game counterpart?
  3. what pokemon does goh catch first (goh is the best)
  4. Is there a Pokemon manga
  5. Is Pokemon the best
  6. How many pokemon are currently existing of right now
  7. What is Ashes moms name
  9. Umm. whats ashes favourite colour POV i did not fangirl over pokemon for twelve years
  10. Crispin is the actual best
  11. Ashes favourite food
  12. Koraidon or Miraidon
  13. Thank u for taking my first quiz greatly appreciated. one last question though, who do you think is the best ship

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Quiz topic: Am I A pokemon Nerd?
