How much do you know about Pokemon?

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Ash Ketchum and Pikachu are offering this quiz to budding Pokemon masters. Come and try it, see whether you are a novice or a Pokemon master. Only the best get 100%. Accept the challenge.

You can boast to your friends if you get a good score. Pikachu and Ash are waiting, so don't let them down! I hope you enjoy my quiz, so best of luck!

Created by: #PokemonMaster
  1. What Pokemon can transform into other Pokemon?
  2. What is the evolution of eevee?
  3. How old do you have to be to start your Pokemon journey?
  4. Ash Ketchum's 1st Pokemon is a bulbasaur
  5. Team Rocket are made up of...
  6. Pokemon only live to five years old.
  7. What is the odd one out?
  8. The evolution of Caterpie is...
  9. The pokemon Meowth can speak.
  10. Ash's partner is...

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about Pokemon?
