Are you a great Battlefield Soldier ?

Battlefield got a lot of gamers. But just a little part of them are real PGM. are you one of them ? You can find out.

This quiz will determine whether you are a great Battlefield soldier. Are you able to make the cut?

Created by: Gaspard
  1. From which Battlefield did you begin too play ?
  2. If five ennemi are front of you and you're not hidding, what would you do ?
  3. A friendly solider is coming up to you, you heard : " i need ammo !" : What would you do ?
  4. What is the powerful type of battlefield soldier at proximity
  5. Do you like drive chopper ?
  6. You see a ennemi chopper in the sky, what wold you do ? :
  7. In a conquest game, what is your favorite activities ?
  8. What is your ratio Death/kill ?
  9. What is the best Battlefield 4 map to play as simple soldier ?
  10. What do you think about BATTLEFIELD 1 ?

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Quiz topic: Am I a great Battlefield Soldier ?