How much do you know about Bf hardline

This quiz is to test your basic knowledge a bout battlefield hardline a cop and robbers game.just For fun no other intention will make aadvanced test later

Are you a real cop or a real robber?find out by taking my quiz also don't think you are a master when you answer 100 percent correct because his is a basic quiz

Created by: Name
  1. How many classes do we have in the game?(except hacker)
  2. What is the primary weopen for the mechanic?
  3. The machine pistol is a secondary weopen for?
  4. Do we have attack choppers in heist game mode?
  5. What is ARM
  6. Which class can revive and heal its teammates?
  7. How many game modes do we have?(except criminal activity)
  8. What is the default weopen of SUVs?
  9. What is a CAT?
  10. The default weopen of choppers(attack and transport chopper)
  11. The grenade launcher is for
  12. The carbine a acw-r is available when
  13. 300 knockout is a
  14. Which gun you will unlock by completing the mechanic syndicate?

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Quiz topic: How much do I know about Bf hardline