Are you a good sibling!

Hello!! And welcome to my quiz! This quiz is very detailed and will give you an accurate result of what kind of sibling you are! And note that if you have more than 1 sibling, focus on that sibling while playing!

I am also a sibling myself, and my sibling is very annoying but also nice at times! Also, be a sport and get a life instead of writing unneeded hate comments and enjoy the quiz <3

Created by: Anna
  1. First of all, how many siblings do you have?
  2. Are you the same gender as your sibling?
  3. What's the difference in age between you and your sibling?
  4. On a scale of 1-10, how much do you love your sibling?
  5. How often do you hit your sibling?
  6. Would you sacrifice yourself for your sibling?
  7. How often do you fight with your sibling?
  8. Do you spoil your sibling?
  9. Do you share your things with your sibling?
  10. Do you trust your sibling?
  11. The next questions are situational, in that they'll show a situation and you can answer)
  12. Your sibling is having lots of trouble with their homework. What will you do?
  13. Your sibling is constantly copying your every move. How do you react?
  14. Your mother just got you a new toy for your birthday and your sibling likes it. What do you do?
  15. Your sibling and you accidentally twin! What do you do?

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Quiz topic: Am I a good sibling!
