Are you a good freind?

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You ever wonder if you are a good friend? You ever wonder if you deserve to be their friend? You think you need more?You think they don't deserve you?

Wonder no more. This quiz will help you improve or tell you that you are an awesome friend! So answer the questions! You don't have to agree, I just want a good rating pls

Created by: Rory
  1. Your friend falls. What do you do?
  2. Your friend walks up to you. what do you do?
  3. School's over. You...
  4. If you see someone alone, and you don't even know them. You...
  5. If you see your friend alone, you...
  6. You fall and some stranger helps you up. What do you do?
  7. If you have a party and someone walks in who wasn't invited. You __________.
  8. Your parents leave and tell you to be good. You ______.
  9. How would your friends describe you?
  10. Ok finally pick one

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Quiz topic: Am I a good freind?
