Are you a good freind?

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Are you a good friend? How many friends do you have? (Post how many friends you have in the comments!) Are you a "Meh" friend? Do you just want attention? We will find out!

Created by: ~WarriorsQuiz#1~
  1. Are you a boy or girl?
  2. Are you emotional or non-emotional?
  3. Are you untrustworthy or can you be trusted?
  4. Your age? (Why? well diff ages mean diff emotions and friends. It can only be 6-21)
  5. Continue age question
  6. Do you always stand over your friend and criticize them? Or are you understanding?
  7. What do you think you scored? (Score honestly please)
  8. Your enemy's mom forgot to pack his/her lunch. What do you do?
  9. Do you finish a project with your teammates, sit back in the shadows, or boss people because "Your the leader"?
  10. Loyal, ambitious, brave, & smart? What do you look for in a freind?
  11. Rp time! You tell your friend something thats a secret. They go and tell everybody! Do you let it happen or confront them?
  12. Hopefully your a good friend! Let fate decide!

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Quiz topic: Am I a good freind?
