Are you a Giver, or a Taker? -Quiz-

pop i cant btw i cant btw k! You are a bit sad! You might have depression. I recommend to have a friend you can trust and/or a counselor! Try to stay happy and don't let others' words get you down! 73%4% Depression 53%100%... 50%85% 49%50% 39%20% 3%XDD

(excluding pictures, newspaper/magazine, object of value, andobject useful for future).1. Title: Are you a noun or a verb? Explain using at least 5 supportingsentences.2. Title: If Dreams Were for Sale. If you could buy dreams, what kindof dream would you buy for your future?3. Title: Describe your life now as you would most like it to be.4. Title: A typical day. Write what you eat for breakfast, lunch,dinner, and snacks on a typical day. Also, list what your

Created by: Star1228
  1. It's your birthday, and your friend gives you a birthday present. What do you say?
  2. Ooh, my Boyfriends/girlfriends (or crushes smh) Mothers anniversary is today, and i'm invited! Hmmm...
  3. sorry of what you got, i actually just realized its impossible cause...yeah im sorry!..
  4. so i have to do 7 more questions
  5. whats your day been like?
  6. am i annoying?
  7. how would u say bye?
  8. if you could bye something, what would it be?
  9. are you a jerk?
  10. do u think i can see ur answers
  11. bye

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Quiz topic: Am I a Giver, or a Taker? -Quiz-
