Are you in depression?

Hello. If you takes this quiz, is to see if you are in depression, right? This is a more sure quiz because I'm also in depression, and I took a little inspiration from the 100% doctor quizzes sure. So if you are in a maybe depression come here

Depression is a very bad moment of our life. But some people have a very bad life and fall in depression. Please if you are in depression, don't kill you! All people are amazing and you too. So don't kill you. Good luck for this quiz.

Created by: SU1C1D4L_G1RL
  1. Hello! If you are here it's because you think you are in depression?
  2. So. What's your favorite wheater?
  3. Hygiene question: Do you take care of yourself or not?
  4. What do you think of yourself?
  5. Do you eat normally?
  6. Do you sleep normally?
  7. What are the causes if you sleep poorly?
  8. At school; Have you friends?
  9. Have you great grades?
  10. Do you like school?
  11. Have you ever been harassed or are you harassed?
  12. You: Do you hurting yourself (scarification, mutilation, force yourself not to eat, force you not to sleep,...)?
  13. Do you think/say/write mean things about yourself?
  14. Do you wish you were dead?
  15. Have you ever attempted suicide?
  16. Do you hate yourself?
  17. Last question: what do you think of world?

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Quiz topic: Am I in depression?