Are you a gamer?

If you are unsure if you are a gamer or not, than this is the quiz for you! From sleep, to gaming locations this quiz is jam packed with fun questions and answers!

Do you like gaming? Would you rather play a board game? Do you sleep okay? Should you spend morectime away from screens?I don't know! Let's find out with this iconic 'Are you a gamer' quiz!

Created by: one person LRS
  1. Do you play video games?
  2. How often do you play games?
  3. Do you enjoy gaming?
  4. What is your favorite game?
  5. Are you a total gaming nerd?
  6. Do you own a gaming headset?
  7. What kind of gaming console do you own?
  8. Where do you game?
  9. Do you sleep at night?
  10. Is gaming your hobby?

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Quiz topic: Am I a gamer?

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