Are you a videogame lover?

Hello and welcome to the quiz (are you a video gamer lover) and you will be asked 13 questions for you and test yourself how do you love or hate games

And if you want to know my pfp its and have fun while answering the questions and if you liked it try to find more quizes if you want to play more and more

Created by: Pikachu
  1. Have you played these games?
  2. How many hours do you play?
  3. What device do you play your games?
  4. Do you share your games with someone?
  5. How good are you in games?
  6. Whats your favourite famous game
  7. Are you addicted to video games?
  8. Choose one of these games and choose what's better
  9. do you like listening to music while playing
  10. Last question: will you play videogames for your whole life and never leave it?
  11. Now the results
  12. Just please check your answers

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Quiz topic: Am I a videogame lover?
