Which cat lover are you?

Have you always wondered what kind of feline lover you are? From the online cat lover with all their memes, to the FULL CAT LOVER, you can find out here!

Remember, this is just for fun. No matter what result you get, it doesn't matter, and it doesn't have to represent what you yourself feel like. Although if you do feel it matches, be sure to leave a comment! :D

Created by: AdaCat
  1. You see a cat while chatting with your friend outside. do you:
  2. Do you own a cat?
  3. Your parent feels like they might want to get a cat.
  4. How will you spend your free afternoon?
  5. What is your favorite breed of cat? (No effects unless you are a psycho)
  6. You are cooking for your cat. What will you make?
  7. Do you actually like cats?
  8. You wake up with your cat on your face
  9. You are scrolling through your phone. Do you:
  10. Finally, do you like this quiz? (It won't affect your score)

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Quiz topic: Which cat lover am I?
