Xbox OG Quiz & How Well You Know It.

So hey this quiz is for to see how you really are in gaming, specifically about the Xbox. For this you can see what I mean at the other part and make this the best or worst quiz ever.

For this quiz lots of knowing of an Xbox and Pc gamer, so everyone can see how they can differentiate from you. You'll see at the end of the quiz, you can share your results in the comments. Hope you enjoy.

Created by: Tyler Tatum PHD
  1. When did the creation of the Xbox what year and date was it?
  2. What was the error in the Xbox 360 start and what is it choose the right info and date 2005 what month and the error type and more?
  3. What is the name of the Kinect?
  4. Xbox codenames for gaming consoles (Xbox)? All are true but were counting the most named codenamed console. And has to be on YouTube named as well so the answer to you might seem wrong but don't sweat it.
  5. Why did Microsoft and DirectX make the console in the first place?
  6. Middle of the quiz, what meetings of XBOX were there?
  7. How many years that Xbox has been released during the holiday season?
  8. The main success of the Xbox ever?
  9. How many years have you been playing on the Xbox console?
  10. What controller do you remember using?

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